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What's the one thing the Yetzer Hara can never give us?

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User Comments:

I can’t agree more to the previous post. You guys are really helping me with: 1. the awareness that other people (everybody else maybe 🤔) are fighting the same battle, 2. understanding the mechanics of what’s normal and how to fight the ongoing battle, 3. And last but not least on how not to fight! I find the material to be really eye opening and very practical!

For me it's a daily reminder that I'm not working on myself for nothing. I'm trying to be a better person so I can strengthen my relationship with my family, with Hashem and most importantly with myself! The boosts have helped me understand how normal it is to have the need for an outlet to relieve stress and anxiety, it's just a question of how\where you channel this need, and that is what we need to work on. Thank you for the daily chizuk!!!

This is great...tremendous chizzuk and for the boost...

It profoundly shapes my frame of mind; giving me so much insight into the deeper aspects of the struggle and methods to succeed.

Sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose. That's just facts. I believe that Hashem just wants us to try our best. Sometimes, even when I know I am on my way for a failure, I'll still push it off by a few minutes to watch the daily broadcast video just to show Hashem that I'm still trying, just sometimes, its too hard

Hi, I just wanted to say: thank you thank you thank you very much!! I was in a big struggle today and thanks to your advices and your Hizouk, I succeeded ✨✨ I was so happy, it was almost a miracle, thank you Hachem, thank your GYE. Hope that everybody will success our battles, amen!