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Knowing your worth will empower you to overcome your challenges!

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User Comments:

O.M.G. I got the chills like crazy!!!! So so so powerful! Thank you!!!

Powerful message

Short but brutally amazing and Inspiring

We have been hand picked by HaKodesh Baruch Hu to live in this age because HaShm perceived our strengths ..... just as a king selects with minute care his ambassadors and consuls to represent him in a far land and create the homeland on foreign soil ...... the magnitude of this is incomprehensible and learning it an epiphany Tizkeh l’mitzvot Rabbi Eliyahu with all my ❤️ Be gebentsched one and all

It was too short !

Thanks, makes me realise how much the world is tempting and testing us

Thank you I appreciate everything that you’ve sent me.