SONG VIDEO: "Save Us from Sin and Tests"
Yonasan Gavant
A Gut Moed to all our members! We received this song from one of GYE's Boost members who wrote: "My name is Yonasan Gavant. I live in Atlanta and I'm a big fan of the daily chizzuk boost on whatsapp. Thank you for your tireless efforts to enhance kedushas yisrael! I'm a chazan and a singer, and I recently recorded a song I composed with the words from the end of Birchos HaShachar: וִיהִי רָצון מִלְּפָנֶיךָ ה' אֱלקֵינוּ וֵאלקֵי אֲבותֵינוּ שֶׁתַּרְגִּילֵנוּ בְּתורָתֶךָ. וְדַבְּקֵנוּ בְּמִצְותֶיךָ. וְאַל תְּבִיאֵנוּ לא לִידֵי חֵטְא. וְלא לִידֵי עֲבֵרָה וְעָון. וְלא לִידֵי נִסָּיון. וְלא לִידֵי בִזָּיון I was thinking that the theme of these words is very much in line with the theme of GYE, and perhaps you'd want to use this song for a GYE daily boost broadcast or in some other context. It would be a zchus for me to donate the song to GYE to use however you see fit and to help inspire klal yisrael."
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