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My Way Home

This is an abbreviated and simplified but completely true version of my story.

User Comments:

Wow! 😁👍👍‼

So help me as well Hashem to stand still in ur path

Thank you very much! You do a Big Kidush H' with this beautiful avodas.

Wow this talks to each and everyone of us Thanks for the daily boosts

Wow! I always knew that there are others out their fighting, but to hear it first hand.. That gave me some hope😊 Thank You❤

Wow. So Inspiring material This could be a good rap song too😁

This was beautiful. It really gave me the chizuk I needed to keep fighting and staying strong in the area of technology. Thank you


This boost is just wow wow wow! No words can describe 🤯 this is the best gye yet!!!!!

Very inspiring! Thank you